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All posts by admin

Best doctor for Depression

Depression Depression is a mood disorder that is accompanied by a feeling of anger, loss, or sadness. People suffering from depression experience this in one or several ways. It can badly affect their daily routine and reduce productivity or concentration. Experiencing mood swings or feeling low is quite normal nowadays. Stress, workload or pressure of […]

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Esophagoscopy is a procedure in which doctor checks the inner portion of your esophagus. For this examination a tool or device called as endoscope is used. The endoscope contains a light and a camera that communicates photos within your throat to a video screen. Esophagoscopy is used to examining, analyzing and treating several throat related […]

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Tonsillitis Tonsillitis is a disorder in which swelling of tonsils takes place. Tonsills are small lymphoepithelial tissues situated near the oropharynx and nasopharynx. These tissues are located at both sides of throat. Being immune-competent in nature they behave as a guarding array of cells that filter ingested or inhaled foreign pathogens. Tonsillitis is basically an […]

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HEARING LOSS Hearing loss can be temporary or perpetual. Not all hearing loss is present at birth time. Temporary hearing loss can be caused by fluid or Otitis Media (most regularly called ear infections). Hearing loss is the loss of hearing in one or both ears, going from gentle to significant. There are numerous causes, […]

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